Patches, Special Awards, and Rank Indicators
Blue Shirt Patches
Other patches like special awards patches and leadership patches are also worn on the right sleeve and are specified further on.
The Flag and Trainer ID number/Squad name patch is worn on the left sleeve. The Trainer ID number/Squad name patch is sewn 1 inch up from the bottom of the sleeve with 7 ⁄ 8 inch apart from the flag patch which is sewn 2 inches down from the top seam on the sleeve.
The Western Sierra Sports Medicine patch, as well as the Name/Grad year patch, are worn on the right sleeve. These two patches are centered on the sleeve and are stacked with ½ an inch between the patches vertically. The Name/Grad year patch is sewn 1 inch above the bottom of the sleeve and the Western Sierra Sports Medicine patch is sewn 2 inches down from the top seam of the sleeve.
Black Shirt Patches
The Sports Medicine patch is sewn centered on the right sleeve 2 ½ inches below the top seam of the sleeve. The velcro patch for unit patches is centered on the left sleeve and also sewn 2 ½ inches below the top seam of the sleeve.
Leadership patches
Leadership patches are worn on the right sleeve and denote the trainer's leadership position if awarded. The patch is worn centered on the right sleeve right on the top seam of the sleeve leaving a 1 ½ space above the Western Sierra Sports Medicine patch, leaving a ½ inch between the Western Sierra Sports Medicine and Trainer ID number/ Squad name patch.
Sweatshirt patches
The Western Sierra Sports Medicine patch, as well as the Name/Grad year patch, are worn on the right sleeve. These two patches are centered on the sleeve and are stacked with ½ an inch between the patches vertically. The Western Sierra Sports Medicine patch is sewn 2 ½ inches down from the top seam of the sleeve.
The Flag patch, as well as the Squad leader patch, are worn on the left sleeve. These two patches are centered on the sleeve and are stacked with ½ an inch between the patches vertically. The Flag patch is sewn 2 ½ inches down from the top seam of the sleeve.
A single chevron denotes a blue shirt that is currently in or finished the first semester of Sports Med 2.
A double chevron denotes a blue shirt that is currently in or has finished the second semester of Sport Med 2.