Advanced Student Trainer 1, Advanced Student Trainer 2,
and Senior Trainers

Students in the advanced courses serve as mentors and leaders for first-year students while providing care for their athletes under the supervision and guidance of their coaches.

The Advanced Classes
Sports Medicine 2 & 3

Sports Medicine II and Advanced Kinesiology (Sierra College HSCI-003)

This course covers an in-depth exploration of anatomy and physiology, neurology, nutrition, cardiology, appearance and performance-enhancing drugs, basic pharmacology, leadership, and introduction to medical diagnostics with a medical education introduction. Students will need to maintain their skills and status as an active student trainer (at least level 2) even if they are not currently assigned to a team. This includes uniform, integrity, conduct, and skill competency. For their first semester of Sports Med II the students take a deep dive into Medical Terminology and are able to earn Dual Enrollment Credit with Sierra College’s HSCI 003 course. Advanced skills in cardiology (12 Lead Interpretation), laboratory methods, and assessment will be taught. They will also complete IS 20.22 and IS 200 through FEMA independent study. Participation in the field internship at a minimum of 20 hours is also mandatory.

Honors Sports Medicine III and Medical Diagnostics

This course covers an extremely in-depth exploration of applications of anatomy and physiology, neurology, nutrition, advanced pharmacology, trauma treatments, medical treatments, medical skills, and airway management with a focus on diagnostics. Students will have to maintain their skills and status as an active student trainer (at least as a Senior Trainer) even if they are not currently assigned to a team. This includes uniform, integrity, conduct, and skill competency. Each student will be assigned to a Sports Medicine I unit as a mentor and will work with them as a student instructor under the supervision of the teacher. This class focuses on the application of medical knowledge and constructing differential diagnoses. They will also complete IS 700 and IS 800 through FEMA independent study. Participation in the field internship at a minimum of 40 hours is also mandatory.

The academic standards of these courses are also extremely high. The courses are all set at a college underclassman (100) level and each has a comprehensive midterm and final along with 4500 words of expository writing. They will also have to complete FEMA IS courses on scene management, public health, and leadership. All these courses are learn-by-doing as much as possible or self-discovery through research. While difficult the research component is highly effective at increasing success in college-bound students or preparing students to be eventual leaders in their career fields.  

Skills & Scenarios


The First Year Class


Our Team