Medical Education Outcomes (EDU)
Medical education is a critical skill for a medical provider. Every provider must educate their patients in order to secure informed consent. This big idea allows the students to investigate methods for education in a classroom, small group, and patient/provider context.
EDU-1 Develop a lesson plan for a medical topic.
EDU-1.A Develop a lesson plan including differentiated concepts.
EDU-1.B Determine the equipment and assessment needs.
EDU-2 Deliver a lesson on a given medical topic.
EDU-2.A Deliver a full class lesson on a given medical topic.
EDU-2.B Deliver a small group skills lesson on a given medical topic.
EDU-3 Deliver relevant information to a patient to allow for informed expressed consent.
EDU-3.A Explain the minimum amount information that is needed to inform the patient about their condition.
EDU-3.B Demonstrate, in scenario, a discussion with a patient on their condition and receive informed expressed consent for treatment.
EDU-4 Observe actual medical practice in a variety of settings.
EDU-4.A Observe and visit a level three trauma center or higher.
EDU-4.A.1 Observe the majority of the hospital’s departments.
a. Observe the processes and operations of the Emergency Department.
b. Observe the processes and operations of the Labor and Delivery Department.
c. Observe the processes and operations of the Intensive Care Unit.
d. Observe the processes and operations of the Imaging Department.
e. Observe the processes and operations of the Cardiac Care Unit.
f. Observe the processes and operations of the Neurological Care Unit.
g. Observe the processes and operations of the Psychiatric Care Unit.
h. Observe the processes and operations of the Surgical Unit.
i. Observe the processes and operations of the Medical Billing and Coding.
j. Observe the processes and operations of the Post Anesthesia Care Unit.
k. Observe the processes and operations of the Pulmonary Services Unit.
l. Observe the processes and operations of the Oncology Unit.
m. Observe the processes and operations of the Nuclear Medicine Unit.
n. Observe the processes and operations of the Burn Care Unit.
EDU-4.A.2 Describe the levels of hazmat safety, patient safety, and controls.
EDU-4.B Observe an emergency response medical unit.
EDU-4.B.1 Observe an emergency medical ground transport.
EDU-4.B.2 Observe an aeromedical transport unit